The Faculty of Economics

  • Department of Economics (2025 enrollment limit: 340 students) Established in 1967
The study of economics opens up your options.
The study of economics considers what should be done so that people can live in happiness. In the Faculty of Economics, students learn "living economics" through not only daily classes but also diverse programs connected to corporations, local communities, and the world. By learning economics, daily life becomes more closely tied to society, and one's options for the future will expand.

Developing Personal Initiative and Capacity Toward Responding to Problems

Through seminars and other small-group forms of education, we cultivate students' abilities to perform independent research in areas of personal interest. Through the study of basic socioeconomic system knowledge as well as the basic mechanisms for systemic change, we develop people with the capability to respond to problems, from identifying issues to formulating solutions.

Towards Problem-solving Learning

The students and teaching staff from the Faculty of Economics will become actively involved in the problems experienced by local companies, local governments, and schools, and will invoke state-of-the-art knowledge from economics to communicate policies to solve those issues. The learning process will take students beyond the classroom and allow them to develop products along with companies. There are also plenty of opportunities to discuss what they learn directly with leaders from politics, government, and finance. Study is filled with intellectual excitement.

Setting Sights on the Future by Developing the Ability to Seek Out a Career Path

From matriculation onwards, through small-group seminar and self-directed learning systems, career training, and internship systems and courses, we develop students' capacities to make career choices after graduation that are both appropriate and in line with their aspirations. Starting during the second semester of their second year, students deepen their knowledge in the service of their goals for the future through specialized courses.

Department of Economics

All students study the basics of economics in their first year and then choose courses from the latter half of the second year.

Corporate Economics Course

Students master knowledge and skills for the purpose of being active in modern corporate society. Students learn about corporate economics and practical analysis, and then may participate in product development or marketing at actual corporations. The course develops individuals who will be able to perform as members of the business community in regional economies and international venues.

Public Economics Course

Gaining an understanding of public systems and public policy such as financial administration, social security, and money and banking, students master knowledge and skills that enable them to perform in the public sector and financial services sector. This is the course best suited for those who aspire to careers in national or local government, nonprofit organizations or local financial institutions.

Household Economics course

In this new course, which was established in 2019, students master the economic knowledge they will need in the context of real life, including knowledge necessary for living in regional society. There is extensive coursework to help students earn various qualifications. There are also curriculums to deepen understanding of working women and gender equality with the goal of promoting female participation in the workplace.

Learning that opens up your options for the future

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Practical skills subjects
(Qualification / Career education, etc.)

Students independently select their own learning based on their goals from a rich variety of "practical skills subjects" including public servant examination preparation, corporate research, bookkeeping, FP (financial planning), and business English.

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Independent learning in 7 programs

There are 7 programs available for acquiring the prescribed credits in "economic subjects" and "practical skills subjects." Upon completing a program, students are bestowed a program completion certificate in both Japanese and English as "proof of their learning." (Students can acquire multiple certificates.)

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Emphasis on small groups in seminars

Specialist faculty members teach diverse seminars where students in years 1 through 4 learn in small groups. From seminars for proposing solutions to issues at local corporations or municipalities to seminars for intensive preparation for the public servant examination, students having the same goals can learn together.

Detailed information is available in the Faculty of Economics brochure.