
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/09/06 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

英語プレゼンテーションⅡ/English Presentations Ⅱ
/Class Code
/Numbering Code
グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication
2024年度/Academic Year  
/Day, Period
/Main Instructor
Nicholas Musty/Nicholas Musty
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

Nicholas Musty/Nicholas Musty グローバル・コミュニケーション学部/Global Communication
/Class Format
Active learningのコンセプトで行う授業です。発信することを学び、実践してもらいます。 

Google Driveを利用してファイル(ワード、エクセルやPowerPointなど)の提出をします。このGoogle Driveの使用にはgmail住所が必要です。あらかじめ取得してください。
/Class Purpose
この授業では、ディプロマポリシーの中でも、「1. 実践的で高度な外国語の運用ができる」と「4. (英語コース)教育現場で有効な、英語に関する体系的で専門的な知識と指導法を習得することができる」ことを目的とし、特にPowerPoint等を使用した効果的なアカデミック・プレゼンテーションを英語で行う為に必要な力を身に付けることを主眼に置いている。プレゼンテーションで使用される英語表現を習得し、アカデミック・プレゼンテーションの構成について学び、発表内容の計画、発表原稿とスライドの作成の後、発表の実技練習を行う。 
到 達 目 標
/Class Objectives
英語プレゼンテーション PowerPoint  言語・非言語的コミュニケーション
/Method of Instruction
Pair work, Group work, Lecture
/Instruction to Students
/Required Work and Hours outside of the Class
/Grading Method・Criteria
Presentations 40% + assignments (preparation & reflection of presentation) 40% + participation 10% + final exam essay 10%
/Required Texts
/Reference Books
/Subjects and position in the whole class
/Methods and contents
1 第1回 Introduction Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems. Questions can be sent to my email before class.
Lecture:  Self-introductions for an academic or professional situation; what information to include (e.g., affiliation, major, personal interests) and not include (e.g., age).
Activity:  Use Google Documents to prepare your self-introduction. After revising your draft, prepare a clean version in Word and upload this to the Self-Introductions Folder in the Day 1 folder in Google Drive.
Activity:  Decide on a topic that you would like to explore for a listing or classification type of presentation. Note this on the Google Drive Spreadsheet for today.
Lecture:  Learn how to use APA guidelines to list reference citations.

Homework:  Practice giving your self-introduction so that you can present it on Day 2 without looking at your notes.
Find information on your chosen topic from at least three different sources and bring in a reference list prepared according to APA guidelines.
2 第2回 Doing research and citing sources
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Present your self-introduction without looking at notes. Classmates will be evaluating your presentation for today.
Activity:  Present your reference list (prepared according to APA style) for your listing or classification presentation. Upload this to the Google Drive folder.
Lecture:  Check what is needed for a good listing or classification presentation.
Activity:  Start preparing your presentation using Google Slides. 

Homework: Practice your emulative presentation for delivery to the class next time. 
Prepare your listing/classification presentation with PowerPoint slides.
3 第3回 Learning from professionals
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Discuss your listing/classification presentation and get feedback. Be prepared to revise your presentation based on the feedback.
Activity:  Choose a presentation from TED Talks (or another website that interests you) to emulate.
Choose about a 2-minute segment that interests you; observe it carefully and try to emulate the presenter's voice, delivery, stance, etc. 
Practice this in a small group.
Activity:  In Google Drive, add to the spreadsheet to help make a list of things to emulate.

Homework: Practice your emulative presentation for delivery to the class next time. 
Prepare your listing/classification presentation with PowerPoint slides. 
4 第4回 Checking your presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Present your emulative presentation to the class with evaluation and feedback; use what you learned to polish your own presentation
Activity:  Present your listing/classification to your group.
Revise your presentation based on the feedback (e.g. more information, more clarification, addition of examples).   
Check your slides for spelling, grammatical and technical errors. 
Discuss slide design (not too many words).
Check your references (Are they listed properly according to APA style?). 

Homework: Practice your listing/classification presentation with attention to voice, delivery, stance, etc.
Prepare the script for your presentation and upload it to Google Drive.
5 第5回 Presenting your listing/classification presentation Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Check the evaluations for your emulative presentation and list in the Google Drive spreadsheet what you plan to improve for your next presentation.
Activity:  Present your listing/classification presentation with class evaluation and feedback via Google Drive.
Lecture: Listen to what is needed for a good process presentation.
Activity: Start planning a process presentation in which you tell the class how to do something. Give your ideas in the Google Drive spreadsheet. Be sure that your topic is different from the other students in the class (first come, first served).

Homework: Prepare your process presentation; be sure to include references or source citation.
6 第6回 Practicing your process presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Check the evaluations for your emulative presentation and list in the Google Drive spreadsheet what you plan to improve for your next presentation.
Activity:  Practice your process presentation in a small group and get feedback 
Pay attention to the amount of detail given and the explicitness of the explanation.
Activity: Start thinking about the next comparison/contrast presentation; discuss possibilities with class members.

Homework: Revise your process presentation and prepare to deliver it in the next class.
7 第7回 Presenting your process presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity: Present your process presentation with evaluation and feedback. Evaluate other presentations and upload your evaluations to Google Drive.
Activity:  Prepare an outline or draft of a comparison/contrast presentation and discuss this in a group.

Homework: Prepare your comparison/contrast presentation with PowerPoint slides.
8 第8回 Preparing your comparison/ contrast presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Check the evaluations for your process presentation and list in the Google Drive spreadsheet what you plan to improve for your next presentation.
Lecture: Listen to what is needed for a good comparison/contrast presentation.
Activity:  Discuss your comparison/contrast presentation in a group and make suitable revisions.
Activity:  Start thinking about your final proposal presentation (5 min) and essay which should give a strong argument to do something or to think about an issue or problem; present at least three possible topics and discuss in a group.

Homework: Prepare to present your comparison/contrast presentation. 
Continue thinking about your final proposal presentation and find references for it.
9 第9回 Presenting your comparison/ contrast presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Present your comparison/contrast presentation to the class with evaluation and feedback via Google Drive; use what you learned to polish your own presentation. Evaluate other presentations and upload your evaluations to Google Drive.
Activity:  Prepare questions for presenters related to the presentation; everyone in class should ask at least one question during the presentations 
Activity: Discuss the progress of your final proposal presentation; describe the references you have found and your plans.

Homework: Write up your comparison/contrast presentation as an essay. Include your responses to the questions and feedback from the class.
Continue working on your final proposal presentation.
10 第10回 Planning your  problem/solution or cause/effect presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Check the evaluations for your comparison/ contrast presentation and list in the Google Drive spreadsheet what you plan to improve for your next presentation.
Lecture: Listen to what is needed for a good problem/solution or cause/effect presentation.
Activity:  Plan your problem/solution or cause/effect presentation with discussion in a group. Be prepared to revise your presentation based on the discussion. 
Activity: Discuss your final proposal presentation; what techniques will you use in it, for example, classification, comparison/contrast, problem/solution.

Homework: Revise and practice your problem/solution or cause/effect presentation 
Continue thinking about your final proposal presentation.
11 第11回 Presenting your  problem/solution or cause/effect presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Present your problem/solution or cause/effect presentation to the class with evaluation and feedback via Google Drive; use what you learned to polish your own presentation. Evaluate other presentations and upload your evaluations to Google Drive.
Activity:  Prepare questions for the presenters related to their presentations; everyone in class should ask at least one question during the presentations. 
Activity:  Discuss the progress of your final proposal presentation in a breakout room.

Homework: Write up your problem/solution or cause/effect presentation as an essay and include the questions and feedback from the class.
Prepare your final proposal presentation with PowerPoint slides.
12 第12回 Planning your final proposal presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Check the evaluations for your problem/solution or cause/effect presentation and list in the Google Drive spreadsheet what you plan to improve for your next presentation.
Activity: Discuss your plans for the final proposal presentation. Get feedback about your presentation and the slides. 

Homework: Prepare and practice your final proposal presentation 
13 第13回 Presenting your final proposal presentation
Q&A:  Bring in your questions and problems.
Activity:  Present your final proposal presentation and respond to questions and feedback from the class.

Final exam: Write up your final proposal presentation as an essay (according to APA guidelines); take into consideration the questions and feedback from the class and use proper reference citations. Turn in the essay by the deadline that will be announced in class.
14 第14回 Final exam essay consultation Final exam essay consultation
15 第15回 Reflection Reflection
