科目一覧へ戻る | 2024/07/24 現在 |
開講科目名 /Class |
実践力基礎H (ビジネス英語)/ビジネス英語Ⅰ/Practical Skills BasicH |
授業コード /Class Code |
B301103001 |
ナンバリングコード /Numbering Code |
ECOe108 |
開講キャンパス /Campus |
有瀬 |
開講所属 /Course |
経済学部/Economics |
年度 /Year |
2024年度/Academic Year |
開講区分 /Semester |
曜日・時限 /Day, Period |
月2(前期)/MON2(SPR.) |
単位数 /Credits |
2.0 |
主担当教員 /Main Instructor |
Bernard Walter Plett/BERNARD PLETT |
遠隔授業 /Remote lecture |
No |
教員名 /Instructor |
教員所属名 /Affiliation |
Bernard Walter Plett/BERNARD PLETT | 経済学部/Economics |
授業の方法 /Class Format |
This is a lecture type class, and we will be face to face at this point. Students can contact me one on one at the following email address: bplett123@gmail.com |
授業の目的 /Class Purpose |
This will be a 4-skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) course focused on introducing important business skills, concepts and vocabulary. Students will be expected to attend at least 80% of scheduled classes, do frequent homework assignments, and interact actively with the instructor and classmates. The class will be conducted in English. Assessment will be based on participation, homework assignments, mini quizzes and a term presentation project. This class is related to DP4. |
到 達 目 標 /Class Objectives |
In this course students will: - Get used to using Business English to communicate with their classmates and teacher. - Practice and perform a large number of basic conversations in a variety of situations. - Practice using business language fluently, accurately, and appropriately (including grammar, vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, pronunciation and intonation.) - Practice basic skills that are necessary for successful language learning in business (for example, using a dictionary and taking notes) - Learn new vocabulary and business expressions. - Be able to express their own ideas, feelings or opinions in a business situation.. |
授業のキーワード /Keywords |
Business English |
授業の進め方 /Method of Instruction |
On a weekly basis students will engage in speaking tasks using Business English. They will have pair work and group work. They will express their opinions and feelings in business situations. Students will also give a presentation of their project work to the group. |
履修するにあたって /Instruction to Students |
授業時間外に必要な学修内容・時間 /Required Work and Hours outside of the Class |
Students will be required to complete all homework assignments on time. |
提出課題など /Quiz,Report,etc |
Each meeting will include a mini lecture and follow up discussion. Tentative topics for the spring term include first impressions, daily routines, relationships, industry overviews and company overviews. |
成績評価方法・基準 /Grading Method・Criteria |
Assessment will be based on participation, homework assignments, mini quizzes and a term project. Classroom Participation 25%, Homework Assignments 25%, Mini Quizzes 25%, Term Project 25% |
テキスト /Required Texts |
Business Venture 1 by Roger Barnard & Jeff Cady, Angela Buckingham, Grant TrewOXFORD ISBN 978-0-19-457817-2 |
参考図書 /Reference Books |
No. | 回 /Time |
主題と位置付け /Subjects and position in the whole class |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
1 | Week 1 | Class Policy, Goal and interviews with teacher. | Students get to know what is expected and get to know the teacher. | |
2 | Week 2 | Group building Activity | Students meet their classmates and interview them. | |
3 | Week 3 | Pronunciation Training | Students will learn some features of the Second language not found in the First Language. | |
4 | Week 4 | Mini Presentation: | Students will give a small presentation representing the production of Pronunciation features learned. | |
5 | Week 5-6 | Meeting a client | Introducing, Greeting, Phone numbers, numbers 1-10 | |
6 | Week 7-8 | You and your company | company activities, daily routines, numbers 11-100, starting a conversation | |
7 | Week 9-10 | Visiting a client | arriving at an appointment, at reception, meeting people, numbers 100-10,000 | |
8 | Week 11-12 | Business activities: | Describing routines e.g. "how often.... | |
9 | Week 13-14 | Project work | Students design learning project report, prepare, practice. Teacher guides, facilitates, assists Students with final draft. | |
10 | Week 15 | Project presentation | Students present projects to class. |