
授業情報/Class Information

科目一覧へ戻る 2024/01/18 現在

基本情報/Basic Information

労働経済学特殊講義/Advanced Lecture on Labor Economics
/Class Code
2023年度/Academic Year  
/Day, Period
/Main Instructor
/Remote lecture

担当教員情報/Instructor Information

圓生 和之/MARUMI KAZUYUKI 経済学部/Economics
/Class Format
/Class Purpose
到 達 目 標
/Class Objectives
/Method of Instruction
/Instruction to Students
/Required Work and Hours outside of the Class
/Grading Method・Criteria
/Required Texts
/Reference Books
George J Borjas(2019)"Labor Economics;8th edition" McGraw-Hill Education.
Edward P.Lazear & Mike Gibbs(2015)"Personnel Economics in Practice;3rd edition" Wiley.
/Subjects and position in the whole class
/Methods and contents
1 第1回 労働経済学の考え方 開講にあたり、講義の目的、概要、進め方、受講に際しての注意点などのガイダンスを行います。
2 第2回 That people work We think about what it means to work and how to work as an employer.
3 第3回 Labor markets We survey the modern labor market with concrete data. We will look at the labor force population, working hours, industries and occupations, and wages, as well as survey trends in Japan's labor market in recent years, such as higher education and an aging population.
4 第4回 Labor economic data We will learn about representative labor economy data. The total amount of cash earnings, overtime working hours, regular employment index, active job opening ratio, unemployment rate, etc. will be taken up, and the ability to see the essence of the data will be cultivated.
5 第5回 How to decide wages and employment We will learn about the basic structures of labor demand and labor supply. Understand how wages and employment are determined at the equilibrium point where labor demand and labor supply coincide. It also refers to the imperfection of the labor market.
6 第6回 Wage disparity We will consider the problem of wage disparity, why wages differ from person to person. Discuss issues such as marginal productivity value, compensating wage gap, efficiency wages, ability to pay, and labor market fragmentation.
7 第7回 Education and training We discuss 'learning' and 'training'. We will consider why there is a wage gap between educational backgrounds, and who should bear the cost of training provided by companies.
8 第8回 Fluidization of employment We think about leaving the company. Various forms of job separation, shifts in turnover rates, mechanisms for leaving a company, regulations on dismissal rights by companies, etc. will be discussed, and discussions will be deepened on changes in the labor market and the mobility of employment.
9 第9回 Unemployment and Employment Policy ① We consider unemployment, a central issue of labor policy. We will survey the actual situation of unemployment and analyze it from the perspective of the shortage of aggregate demand and the employment mismatch as the mechanism of unemployment.
10 第10回 Unemployment and Employment Policy ② We will consider policies to reduce the unemployment rate. In addition to taking up macroeconomic policies, active labor market policies, and corporate activation policies, we will also introduce recent trends such as work sharing.
11 第11回 Employment of women
We think about the challenges of women's labor. Amid calls to promote the active participation of women, we will provide an overview of the reality of women's labor, and discuss issues such as the shift to non-labor force due to marriage and childcare, the expansion of women's non-regular work, and the disparity in treatment between men and women.
12 第12回 Employment of youth
We will think about the challenges of youth labor. We will analyze the characteristics of young people as workers, and survey the situation of young people such as unemployed people, NEETs, non-regular workers (freeters), and high turnover rate among young people.
13 第13回 Employment of the elderly We will think about employment issues for the elderly. We will discuss how elderly labor should be in the midst of the declining birthrate and aging population. We will also consider the impact of the employment of the elderly on the employment of other generations, including the young.
14 第14回 Challenges of Labor Economics
After summarizing the contents of the lectures so far, we will discuss the significance and role of labor economics.
15 第15回 中間テスト 前半の講義の理解を確認するための中間テストを行います。
16 第16回 前半のまとめ 中間テストの解説を行うとともに、これまでの講義の内容を総括し、労働経済学の意義と役割について再確認します。 
17 第17回 Concept of Personnel Economics In the second half of the course, we will learn about the economics of personnel as part of the analysis of the internal labor market. Consider the implications of an economic approach to organizational personnel matters.
18 第18回 Hiring and personnel changes①  What kind of thinking do we have as a basis for recruiting new employees? We will take up the problem of setting employment standards and learn the concept of relative wages and relative productivity.
19 第19回 Hiring and personnel changes②  We will discuss hiring the right person. Assuming recruitment of recruits, learn the basic structure of contingent contracts. We also think about knowing the productivity of workers. We also discuss the issue of placement decisions.
20 第20回 Hiring and personnel changes ③ We will proceed with concrete discussions regarding the hiring of employees based on the current situation in Japanese companies.
21 第21回 Wage determination ① Wage determination We will learn about the basic structure of wages. We analyze fixed wages and variable wages based on output and input. We also discuss the mechanisms of risk aversion and wage determination.
22 第22回 Wage determination ② Seniority-based incentive We think about seniority incentives. We will conduct a theoretical analysis and verify the economic rationality of seniority-based wages, which are often thought to lack efficiency. International comparisons are also made.
23 第23回 Wage determination ③ Fundamentals of wage practice After understanding the basic structure of the wage scale as the foundation of wages, we will learn the basics of wage practice, such as base increases and regular pay raises.
24 第24回 Non monetary compensation We think about non-monetary rewards. It also provides an overview of recent research progress in converting non-monetary factors into monetary equivalents. In addition, we will take up the hypothesis of compensatory wage disparity as a basis for considering non-monetary rewards and deepen the discussion.
25 第25回 Personnel assessment   We confirm the purpose of personnel evaluations, the information obtained from personnel evaluations, and decide who should evaluate whom and how, based on recent research findings, for each issue such as evaluation frequency, items, and methods. discuss.
26 第26回 Promotion We take up matters related to promotion. First, we will learn the analysis by the tournament model. We will also consider the design of a wage system that maximizes the function of promotion. Consider the function of promotion based on these.
27 第27回 Human Capital Theory and Education We introduce the basic ideas of human capital theory and learn the basics of the economics of education. We also conduct an economic analysis of education and training in the workplace. Based on these, we discuss policy implications for job skills and youth employment.
28 第28回 Retirement management and career change
We think about retirement management. We will analyze the retirement management of workers with low productivity, and consider the rationality of retirement management, such as retirement induction and adverse selection. In addition, we will introduce and discuss data and recent research results regarding job changes.
29 第29回 期末テスト これまでの学習を振り返り、学びの達成度を確認するため期末テストを実施します。
30 第30回 まとめ 期末テストの解説を行うとともに、これまでの講義の内容を総括し、労働経済学の意義と役割、今後の課題について検討します。
